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Cosmetics - A cosmo affair

A visit to Health and Glow actually made me think. My friends would disagree this. I cant stop thinking. Good or Bad, Useful or otherwise, I just think. Sometimes the places I go, The things I see influence my thought. Health & Glow my favorite outlet influenced my thought train. The best sales team is actually there. They know the right words to make you buy a product. Your self defense is left along with your bags at the entrance. Every time I walk in, I promise myself that i would not buy anything other my necessary to buy list. And I walk out with a bag of products i might not actually use more than two times, a grin and economically weaker.

Cosmetics actually rules the world today. They were always a part of the women's world. Right from Cleopatra who indulged herself in milk and oil to the latest serums and creams. They have always been an mandate . Now it also has conquered the men's world.  The only product I knew before I came to this city was Gokul Sandal Powder. The industry and her minions had not captured me yet. I tripped into her by fate and still I am trying to swim through her. I might not be ever able to come out of her. Yet the battle to stay afloat continues.

As a small town girl, The cosmetic world was always a mystery. The list of products goes on and on and I dont know about half of them. We have thousands of products from hundreds of brands. As the industry grows old, so is the chemical component of the products. Over a point of time, Our skin gets addicted to the chemicals and we cant stop using them. The brands might change. But the product chain moves on. The list of products which are commonly used are Hair shampoo, Hair conditioner, Hair serum, Face wash, Face scrub, Face pack(comes in different combos), Face gel, Face mask, Peel off, Eye shadow, Eye liner, Mascara, Blush, Foundation, Concealer, corrector, sunscreen, compact powder, lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm, body moisturizer, toner, nail polish, etc. Every product is a combination of different natural and chemical components. The ways to use it and the reason to use it differs. The list is incomplete and does not include a lot of exotic products. I always wanted to learn the proper use of the products. I am all set to travel in the quest of the cosmetic knowledge. The effort is not to look pretty. It is just to update my knowledge bank with side effects of better look. I wish I could tell a girl's best look is her natural look. But it is too good to believe.  


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