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Showing posts from June, 2017

Dear Selfish Being

Dear Selfish Being, Every girl on the face of earth has come across you at some point of her life. You are an unavoidable part of adolescence and womanhood. You cause butterflies and earthquakes at the same time. I know you are wired and programmed in a different way. Still, you could be more sensitive and human. You tread upon emotions without a second thought.   Sometimes you don’t do it on purpose. You oversee her in life in the list of your priorities. She is never in your priority list as you know she cares too much for you. You might not mean to hurt her, but you still do when your let your brain and brawn do the thinking and talking. She is not dumb or vulnerable as you might assume. She just lets you tread on her in name of love. She knows your every betrayal intuitively. Her sensor goes up the every minute, you think of cheating her. But she resists it and gives you and chance. Deep down, she cares for you too much for her own good.  She does not expect much in r