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Showing posts from January, 2015

What do i want

Everyday when I pray It leaves me relieved and confused Relieved because somebody is listening to me Confused because I don't know what to ask It is little shocking and embarrassing Bcos even after a quarter century I have not figured out What do I want Do I want a better career Do I need the strength to move on Do I need to keep my family happy Do I need an undo button I pondered over a hundred reasons Still did not land up anywhere Little shocking and depressing Yet I keep asking me And yet to figure out What do I want

The use and throw drama

Why does it always happen to me Its OK to be sweet But is it right to be stupid Where do I draw the line between sweet and stupid Why do people take me for granted Why do I just fade into the background Only to be used again And I don't seem to mind it And ppl don't mind my pain They flood me with love Whether I want it or not When they need something Be it a comforting hand Or a passing cloud And disappear When they find their soul They don't seem to mind Whether I need them or don't Only to reappear If they need a hold again They don't mind if I get hurt or broken And even I don't seem to mind And I just get lost In the use and throw drama

Y God y

You know everything about everyone You know the things that will happen And the things that are not bound to happen You have plans for every second of my life Yet u permit me to make my own plans You know the things which won't work out for me Whatever the reason might me Yet you allow me to get involved in it You know I will get hurt Yet u permit me You make me learn from my mistakes Yet I still to use my training You made me a expert in pain Yet u have not shown me happiness You hold me before I fall Yet u make me experience the pain Pain is not new to me Yet it still hurts Y god y