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Showing posts from April, 2019

Who will cry when I die?

Death is seen as the ultimate move in the mortal world. This is considered as a win or a loss depends on the person. All humans beings have a knowledge of death. We all understand that we will have to leave some day. However, the inevitability does not affect us until we are sick or sad. There are so many philosophies and speculations regarding life and death. All of us are haunted by this question every time we think about death. Though we might not ask this aloud, we still wonder. Who will cry when I die? The general assumption is that our family and friends. Maybe even the people whose life we have touched. What is the real situation? The day we die, people we know would weep their eyes out. After we are cremated, the friends will sigh and go on with their lives. In a month or two, the extended family will blame it on fate or will of God and move one. Our family might miss us our little longer based on our importance and value. In a year, they will miss us but the actual grievi


What matters most in life? We concentrate on so many trivial elements We spend our energy in accomplishing it We strain and stress about it This could be simple like a relationship Or complicated as a pimple We worry so much about beauty We try every cream available Or at least the ones we could afford Our appearance matters so much We sometimes forgot about the person within us We forget that Eunoia matter A beautiful thinking and a well mind


We all view life as a complicated process Every decision is made with a careful screening process We prepare a huge list of pros and cons We think, consider and think We fear of the outcome We contemplate of the risk involved Our list involves so many factors Family, Career, Society, Money And the list goes on Somehow we fail to consider the most critical element in this aspect Every decision in life is an experience A part which molds us for the next level However, we believe the decision to be life itself And fail to look at the bigger picture The most crucial decision today might not matter tomorrow Let’s embrace life And  make decisions based on Sulit Something that is worth it


We live a fast forward life At least I do Most days are a blur I don’t remember most days As the months pass by The daily memories fade away Though I blame it on my inability to remember Deep down, I know it is my insensitivity I concentrate on the essential moments The ones which make a difference And fail to notice the smaller details In retrospect, I wonder if they would have made a difference It is a mystery we never know Somehow I think that the Minutiae Matters The small precise details that make one unique  The finer points and subtleties