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Showing posts from October, 2019

Was it Love?

Swetha pressed the silent button for the seventh time. She sighed and looked at the number again. She just needed to compose her thoughts before answering the call. When the phone rang again, she clicked the auto message button. The reasons that were listed did not match her emotions. Everything was bland and general. She laughed to herself about the irony about how it matched her relationship. How did it get here? She wondered. Swetha, Swetha, Nisha’s voice broke her thoughts. Which world are you? She tugged her roughly. She looked at her friend without giving a reply. They were not in that kind of a relationship. They were office colleagues who worked together, had fun and yet did not share any personal information. Swetha wondered if she could put words to her emotions. She sensed something was wrong but did not know how to explain it. They walked to the canteen for their dose of caffeine. Coffee had the power to break the monotony of the day. They filled their glasses and moved to