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Saturday at 13:13pm

The alarm kept repeating the same tone. It was irritating, and my eyes refused to open. I was not sleepy, but I had a strong reason behind it. I knew the exact sequence of events that was bound to happen today. I am not psychic, although I wish I were one. I could have prevented this event if I had the ability to see the future or at least if I had used my common sense. I looked at the phone to check the time. It was 7.15 and the day was Wednesday. It wanted this to end. I did not have a name for it yet. I closed my eyes again, hoping to pass some time. I knew very well by now, that is might not happen. After a period, I rechecked my phone, the digital timer should still at 7.15 am. It was daring me to try and change it. I have given up after the 7th attempt. It was too creepy to see the clock turn in the opposite direction. I got up from my bed, and the clock began its motion. The day will be identical to the last Wednesday. Or should I say the last time I experienced a Wednesday? Yes, I am stuck in a time loop, and I don’t know how to break the cycle. I am repeating living four days over and over again. It begins on Wednesday at 7.15 am and goes on till Saturday afternoon. I don’t know what happens on that day. But I know I wake up again on a Wednesday morning. I wanted it to end so badly. I tried doing things differently in the hope of changing the outcome and breaking the loop. Somehow, certain events kept pushing me into the same line.

The loop allows me to wear a different coloured dress or select my meals. But when I try to call new people, it does not allow me. Most importantly, I am unable to step out of my house. I am living alone in the name of privacy, and it is one of the regrettable choices I made. I am a selfish type, and I am not surprised that people did not notice my absence. There are significant absences in my memory, and I am unable to connect the dots. I keep making a note of things to changes in the next loop and somehow start over. How did I mess things up? How do I get out of it? I kept asking myself the same questions repeatedly. My body began to move like a machine. I did not have breakfast today, so I probably would have to wait for this lunch. The computer pinged behind me signalling me to join the game. I spend most of my time on an online gaming platform.  I was so addicted to this activity that I ignored my class and other important activities. My smartphone shrieked with an incoming message tone. I knew the message well now. Yet I could not do anything about it. Every time, I received this message, my guilt grew heavier. I felt like I was reliving all my mistakes and achievements in four days. Ironically, my errors were significantly larger than my good deeds.

Was this a warning? I asked myself. I did not receive a reply nor a solution. Wednesday passed without much progress. I could not identify the source of the problem. Thursday started similarly. I was chatting with a virtual friend about the need to be happy. Somehow alcohol failed to put in a state of buzz. I remember thinking that I needed something stronger to escape reality. He recommended me some pills along with a warning. I ignored it in my pride. Was that the final nail in my downfall? The pill made me so happy, and I felt like floating. I never experienced such euphoria in my life. I decided that it was my new best friend. It was expensive, but that did not bother me. I know that I can tell a white lie and ask my parents for money. I am suddenly pressed by the realisation that they would have to work extra hard to pay my mounting educational bills. How did I fall so low? I used to be much better. Now I was wasting my time and resources in meaningless games and other things. I could see the medicine on the top of the kitchen counter. I wanted to stop myself from consuming it. Maybe I was still feeling the effects.

The person did warn me of the side effects. I tried recalling his instructions but to no avail. I tried concentrating hard, and then it struck me. He told me not to take more than one in 24 hours. But, I was not ready to come back to earth. It was stronger than most people as I thought as I popped the second one in my mouth. I was relieved to know the problem now. I have a drug allergy; I sighed in relief. I picked my phone and tried calling the emergency helpline. But the phone seemed to have a mind of its own. I knew I had to get help. I tried going out on all days except Saturday. Maybe today will be different. I recheck the phone to see the time and date. It was Saturday, and the time was 13:13. It sounded ominous in my head. But I could not waste any more time. I walked outside with a purpose. I promised myself that I would mend my ways. This time, I stepped out and almost yelled in relief. I checked my pockets for my wallet and realised something was horribly wrong. I tried patting myself to wake me from this nightmare. Nothing seemed to work, and I was out of chances. I got clarity now, but it was too late. I had left my body behind.


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