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Breathe Easy.. Live Healthy

I kept sneezing continuously. Over the counter prescriptions and Google researched self-medications did not seem to help. The sneeze somehow appeared at the wrong time, in the middle of the meeting, the lunch table and sometimes even during sleep. I loaded myself with antibiotic pills and tried combating the curse. I gave up at last and decided to visit the hospital. Time seemed to be elusive when we crave for self-indulgence break. However, battling all odds I visited a clinic recommended by a colleague. 

Courtesy - The climate chief

After examinations and a few questions, this could be due to an allergy, the doctor declared. I am a healthy and I don’t get affected by allergies, I proudly defended. How do you go to work? He asked. I go by motorcycle and I wear my protection gearI replied. Protective gear is inclusive of the shawl, helmet, gloves and driving glasses. How often do you wash the gear? He asked.  They should be properly washed and air dried every day. They can serve as a host of bacteria and allergens, he said. Allergens need not necessarily be from outside. They can also be also from inside the house, he said. The doctor prescribed me some medicines and I mentally disagreed with him. I clean my house regularly and keep the windows closed, I silently defended. 

After a tiring long day, I was greeted by my pet dog, Weenie who jumped at the sight of me. I hugged him, and he wriggled his way to the kitchen. As I filled his tray with food, I noticed the sink and sighed hard. I mentally planned the list of things to do and walked to the washing machine. The wet smell from the clothes was overpowering and I suddenly started sneezing again. I looked around and realised the impact of the doctor’s advice. My home was a victim of biological contaminants. My pet carries a host of microorganisms and bacteria. The wet clothes from the washing machines were the host to moulds and bacteria. My favourite flower pot dispersed pollen grains into the house. These were the major culprits behind my continuous sneezing problem. If left untreated, some lead to asthma and could be a catalyst of pneumonia. Google gave me a list of diseases like chicken pox and airborne influenza. 

I decided to implement a series of lifestyle modification which not only protects my health but not creates a better home. These are some of the easy tips for a home makeover

• Taking the pet regularly to the vet for vaccination and proper washing of hands after playing with them is mandatory
Courtesy - Grinning Planet
• Intelligence mode in a washing machine need not necessarily be a blessing. Planning it on an off day and sun drying of clothes immediately prevent bacterial growth
• The house needs Vitamin D. Keep windows open for its dosage of sunlight and fresh air
• Avoid smoking indoors, especially if there are children and elders
• Your air conditioner is the natural enemy of the environment clean and service your AC regularly
• Your house needs a makeover and gives it a fresh coat of Asian paints Royal atmos. They help improve air quality of the house

Simple and effective, these tops can help us breathe easy and live a healthy life. These are good for the environment as well.


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