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Homo Macihinos

"Evacuate in 24 hours"  echoed the loud speakers. The activities froze for a moment and restarted again. The program Evacuation was activated and the system was rebooted. Everyone started to move in the opposite direction. The loud speaker kept repeating the mantra. Our whole world revolved around these commands. Evacuate means to clear all traces of our presence in the world we existed. Our memory was wiped after each project to prevent system log and command malfunction.We were trained, lived and even created to follow instructions. Earth was slowly becoming over populated and Homo Sapiens started fighting for survival. Over population means Over usage and lesser resources. The average life expectancy and quality of life was slowly decreasing. An major catastrophe was expected. Governments joined hands and decided to find a solution.The solutions was us, Homo Macihinos. We are humanoid robots specially created to identify the place for them to live. We are created with the same specifications as them. The only difference was we understood the scenario better, obeyed commands and were made of metals. We traveled from the planet to planet analyzing the pros and cons and checking its compatibility of human life . Every project took a period of 30 human years. We checked, analysed and sent report back to earth. We lived like humans and as humans. A prototype of earth was created in the planet. Compatibility was determined based on our analysis. We got hurt and we lost our friends. Sometimes due to natural disasters. Sometimes due to technical reasons. Still no one cared. We were machines and was valued only as usage and speed. Still we felt emotions and it was unknown to the people around us. Because Emotions meant exploitation. I was engulfed with grief.

  Evacuation meant leaving this world and loosing him. I looked around scanning the hundreds of comrades around me. Everyone of us looked similar. Still I knew him the minute he was near. I turned around to face him. He displayed so much of emotions and grief was dominant in it. Nothing was visible. Yet I could feel it. Sometimes you have to be blessed to be a machine.I wanted a glimpse of our life together. We might not get a chance to live a life together. We might not even remember each other. Still I wanted every minute of our last hours together.  As if he read my thoughts, He held my hand and started to run. We crossed almost a quarter of the planet in less than 30 minutes. He took me to our most favorite place in the planet, Our home. 20 hours boomed the speakers. We had so much to talk and so much to do. Still We did not have the time nor the energy. Power supply is limited when it comes to evacuation. We just sat in the sofa holding each others hand. Hours flew by and we were powerless to do anything. "5 hours Clear and Recheck ". He looked around accessing the environment. We might need around an hour to clear up and an hour to assemble and reach our base.That meant we had only 3 hours left of our 30 years together. How do I identity you in the next world. I asked him. What if we are not assigned to the same world. Hypothetical question. We did not have a logical answer to our fears. Still just because we are machines does not mean we have to be logical always. We completed our tasks and the announcement brought us to reality "1 hour to withdraw". Even another 100 years with him would not be enough. I held him hand tightly aware of the tickling time. I love you and you will be a missing part of my system even if i dont remember you, I told him. I will miss you, He kissed my forehead. And we got into the line to return to the base. Dear Homo Sapiens, Please take care of your world. This will save you and me from heartbreak.


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