Its over
I feel telling myself over and over again
That its over
15 months of heaven and hell
I spend most of my waking hours
In the place which taught me branding
Or at least tried to
The place where I created new relationships
The place which helped me understand a few important things
Not only for work,but for life
The place which added a few extra memories
Its over
Still I feel my thoughts hovering over the place
It is still difficult to move on
Maybe its too early
Or maybe its too hard
It pains to realise that I am not longer a part of the place
Which moulded me to a better person
Both personal and professional
The place made me smile
Made me angry
Made me happy
The place made me feel a whole lot of things.
There are too many things which I miss about her
The late morning rushes
The cold cup of much needed tea
The 60 hours plan which I manage to plot
The a/c which is too cold
The weekly , monthly and yearly targets
The doctor waits
The late lunch breaks
Little rice and two pappads
The songs we played
The games we fought over
The fights with departments
The ever messy and full marketing bay
Its neither messy nor full now
The chats in the corridor
The vendor bargains
The noisy and silent control bay
The team which makes life worthwhile
The list goes on and on
The more I think
The more I find it difficult
To come to terms which the fact
That its over
My association with Dr.Mehta's
I got the name right and its subject to change.
Every person we meet creates an impact on us. The way the impact works is quite surprising. Sometimes the impact created by a stranger is more than the impact by a close friend. I always consider life as a block of coal or a big piece of rock. The journey from Coal to diamond or Rock to sculpture takes a lot of time and can also be painful. It does not happen with a single person or with a single incidence. The conversation process is continuous and can happen till our last breath. We get better and better with age and experience. I have never managed to understand when a person reaches his best. Maybe the level is unattainable. Still changes, both ups and downs happen throughout our lives. I remember an innocent hyper girl who wore sensitivity on her sleeve. The smallest spark was enough to set her on fire. She was on the extreme of emotions. The emotions can range from Happiness, sorrow, loneliness and anger. Still the emotions controlled her and stole her sleep many nights. ...
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