I put up my brave face just like every other day. The bag was lighter compared to the insecurities in my heart. I was a lost soul right from a very early age. I was surrounded by an air of uncertainty and scepticism. Maybe I carried it along with me from a previous life. I found joy in small things, and then the sorrow crept into me. I was in a constant battle of finding the sadness at bay. I bubbled with life and energy on the outside while the inside boiled with darkness and depth. I was not a pessimistic person, just a lonely one. I was a puzzle I could not decipher. I kept my surrounding happy in the hope that it will engulf me. But it seemed to evade me somehow. I was scared to discuss it in fear of being termed as a sad soul. As the years progressed, I learned to keep it at bay. The war is not an easy one, and my experiences did not show me mercy. Still, I braved it out and emerged as a stronger person. I accepted myself and embraced the child in me and groomed her into a better woman. I still wear the mask of smiles today and sometimes weep inside. But then this is Who I am
Every person we meet creates an impact on us. The way the impact works is quite surprising. Sometimes the impact created by a stranger is more than the impact by a close friend. I always consider life as a block of coal or a big piece of rock. The journey from Coal to diamond or Rock to sculpture takes a lot of time and can also be painful. It does not happen with a single person or with a single incidence. The conversation process is continuous and can happen till our last breath. We get better and better with age and experience. I have never managed to understand when a person reaches his best. Maybe the level is unattainable. Still changes, both ups and downs happen throughout our lives. I remember an innocent hyper girl who wore sensitivity on her sleeve. The smallest spark was enough to set her on fire. She was on the extreme of emotions. The emotions can range from Happiness, sorrow, loneliness and anger. Still the emotions controlled her and stole her sleep many nights. ...
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