I feel like laughing out aloud
Whenever I observe the drama around me
I have a reached a point
Where I still laugh
Even if the drama happens to me
Sometimes people stick with you for no reason
And they don't mind you when u really need them
Maybe they are really busy
Or life is designed to be like that
Still when people are not with you
When you really need someone to hold your hand
To assure you to move on with life
When you are stuck in a dark room
People need not flood it with light
Just a candle can create the magic
Spending hours with you when you are happy might not make an impact
But even seconds during times of adversaries can make a difference
Its true people can't solve problems
That does not mean
They can not lend a ear or a should during tough times
I just realised
That if people can't stand by me
When I walk on thorns
Do I really need them
During my time with roses
I do not
And I am just laughing
Not because I am happy or mad
Just because I ran out of tears
Every person we meet creates an impact on us. The way the impact works is quite surprising. Sometimes the impact created by a stranger is more than the impact by a close friend. I always consider life as a block of coal or a big piece of rock. The journey from Coal to diamond or Rock to sculpture takes a lot of time and can also be painful. It does not happen with a single person or with a single incidence. The conversation process is continuous and can happen till our last breath. We get better and better with age and experience. I have never managed to understand when a person reaches his best. Maybe the level is unattainable. Still changes, both ups and downs happen throughout our lives. I remember an innocent hyper girl who wore sensitivity on her sleeve. The smallest spark was enough to set her on fire. She was on the extreme of emotions. The emotions can range from Happiness, sorrow, loneliness and anger. Still the emotions controlled her and stole her sleep many nights. ...
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