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Food Review - Raaj Bhavan, Purasaiwalkam

I was freaking hungry. I am always hungry is a different deal. After a disappointment shopping trip and missed lunch, I went to Raaj Bhavan. Tiffin or Meals asked the waiter. After thinking for quite some time, We settled for Schewan Fried Rice and American Chopsuey. Sounds fancy right. Maybe not the kind of food, I was hoping for. But my hungry pangs managed to convince my fluctuating mind. After waiting for 15 minutes, the food arrived. The fried noodles was hard and the sauce did not do much to soften it. The taste was Indochinese. I even wondered if it was Made in China. The food managed to satisfy my hungry pangs. But left my taste buds to crave for more.

The Schewan Fried Rice was red in colour. I was even calculating the amount of damage the spices  might do to my stomach lining. The minute I tasted it, My worries was lost. It did not have any flavor it. I was shocked. I saw a different variety of the spicy schewan fried rice. The chilli was replaced with the kesari powder. The only thing which popped up in my mind was Do as the Romans do in Rome. Raaj Bhavan , known for its south Indian delicacies has a long way to go in Chinese. With a heavy stomach and a sad tongue, I continued my shopping spree


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